31 March 2008

Good Day Sunshine

Today was wonderful!  I turned 33 and had the best birthday I've ever had.
1.  Flowers!!
These are from my husband.  He knows I love daisies, and had lemons put in the vase to remind me to make "lemonade" out of the lemons my job seems to lob at me daily.
The ones on the left are from my sister, Danielle, her husband and my nieces.  And the one on the right is from my mother.  Can you tell Mom's a florist? It definitely has its advantages, the primary of which is that my desk looks like a funeral home for every special occasion.  I love it!

2.  Good Wishes!  My parents, sisters and nieces all called at various times today with birthday wishes.  Best part?  I finally got my frequent birthday wish:  Mom waited until after 7 to call and tell me the story of my birth!  Ah, blissful sleep.  I also got wonderfully sweet wishes from Miss SinCA, Jeff and my Livejournal and Ravelry friends.

3.   Food!  A bunch of my co-workers took me to Tomatina for my fave, the steak piadine.  It's the primary reason I fail at vegetarianism.  And then Shawn took me to Chili's - primarily so that waiters could sing to me, loudly, over molten chocolate cake.  Tomorrow:  Falafel and banana shakes in San Jose!

4.  YARN!  I received two super fun skeins from my friend, Carmen, as well as a myrtlewood bowl her husband carved himself.  And I started 
knitting an ascot for vacation this weekend:
I never said I was a master photographess.  And it kind of looks like boy shorts right now.  But I swear, it's going to be so cute that you'll beg me to make you one.  And then I'll promise I will.  And then I'll cast on and get all excited.  And then I'll see something shiny and put the ascot down to chase it, only to forget I had begun to knit it in the first place.

Wow.  This seems such a self involved post.  What I am really trying to say is that this has been so wonderful.  I am surrounded by wonderful, generous people.  I'm a lucky girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had such a great birthday. You deserve it!